cover image Not Your Job: Discover the Surprising Way to Save Time, Avoid Burnout, and Do What You Love Forever

Not Your Job: Discover the Surprising Way to Save Time, Avoid Burnout, and Do What You Love Forever

Pierce Brantley. Invictas, $9.99 e-book (237p) ASIN B0BMT7Y4YR

To avoid burnout, entrepreneurs should harness the “power of delegation,” which, according to this sensible program, “leverages the time and talent of other people to increase your profits, time, and mental health.” Business consultant Brantley (Calling) outlines a four-step process for delegating work to employees: educate a new hire about the company’s goals, train them by demonstrating how to perform tasks, allow the employee to take over day-to-day matters while reporting progress to superiors, and then promote the employee to a managerial position in which they might delegate some of their own work. Personal anecdotes illustrate the advice. For instance, Brantley recounts how his role at a marketing startup was abruptly changed to include directing commercials, which he had no experience in, and encourages readers to avoid such mismanagement by outlining a few broad “themes” that determine the scope and nature of an employee’s role (an administrative assistant’s might include “schedule management,” “proof content,” and “client management”). Brantley’s advice maintains a practical focus throughout (he models how to create a time audit for determining which tasks to delegate), and the cogent presentation will help readers learn “how to think like an entrepreneurial manager” and “build a culture that invites good talent.” Small business owners eager to grow their operations will want to check this out. (Self-published)